Why are most joke books so terrible? Why do they always resort to the same tired stereotypes, awful puns, and contrived situations?
Answer: Because good jokes—really good jokes—are as rare as precious gems. Writer and humorist Don Steinberg was not interested in compiling a thousand gags into a giant paperback, because he knew most of the content would be dreck. Instead, he set out to compile the very best of the best, the cream of the crop, Jokes Every Man Should Know.
Here are jokes for business trips, blind dates, and family get-togethers. Here are eight jokes that will make kids laugh and nineteen jokes that are not at all suitable for children. Here are two jokes about gorillas, three jokes about doctors, one joke involving an alligator and oral sex, eight jokes about heaven, and the world's only funny knock-knock joke. Packaged in a sleek hardcover format, Jokes Every Man Should Know has the perfect punch line for every occasion.